2008-03-Snowy River Ramble
01-Zebra & Panda head down Jacksons Crossing Track to cross the Snowy River
02-Zebra leads the convoy across the Snowy River
03-Hoppy drives across the Snowy River at Jacksons Crossing
04-Manky negotiates the Snowy River crossing
05-Convoy at Jacksons Crossing after crossing the Snowy
06-Happy Hour gets underway at Warratah Flats
07-Camp oven cooking at Warratah Flats
08-Convoy heads through a lovely part of the Deddick Trail
09-Drifter takes in the views over the Snowy River
10-Sensational views of the Snowy at McKil-lops Bridge
11-Close up of McKil-lops from the Deddick Trail
12-Convoy takes a lunch break on the Deddick Trail
13-Everlasting memories of the Snowy River
14-Zerba leads the convoy across McKil-lops Bridge
15-Close up of McKi-llops Bridge
16-Taking in the awesome views at the Little River Gorge
17-Lunch on the Ingeegoodbee River
18-Vince gets help from Reg to make his 1st jaffle
19-Triton creates dust up the Cobberas Trail
20-Vince takes care not to burn his jaffle
21-Lunchtime (perhaps) on the Cobberas Trail!
22-Manky shows its strength coming up the Cobberas Trail
23-Vince samples his successful jaffle cooking
24-Poyda takes it easy up the Cobberas Trail
25-Panda makes it easily up Cobberas Trail
26-Triton creates more dust but enjoys the challenge
27-Poyda shows us the easy way up
28-Triton makes it up to the Playrounds
29-Convoy takes a morning tea break at the Playgrounds at 1,400M
30-One of the Mankyettes shows off her collection of bones collected on the weekend
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| Last update:
31/03/08 04:23
| ©