2007-01-The Otways
01-Gaby waits in the Troopy while Ryan checks a mud hole
02-Kookaburra checks out our campsite at Forrest
03-Goldie ploughs thru the bog
04-Goldie, Turtle & Big Red trek thru the Otways
05-Drifter churns thru the Otway mud
06-Goldie watches Big Red drive thru an Otways bog
07-Turtle meanders along the track
08-Drifter comes out of another Otway bog
09-Goldie gets caught on a fallen tree on Kennett Wye...
10-John & Lester explore the possibilities of recovering...
11-Turtle roams thru the thick Otways forest
12-Laurie enjoys the views from Stevensons Falls
13-John & Heidi take on the fallen tree challenge
14-John & Heidi show the convoy how tree clearing is done
15-1.5 metre Tiger Snake checks us out at Lake Elizabeth
16-Zebra,Drifter & Goldie explore the Otways
17-Reg & Vincent enjoy lunch on Pipeline Trk
18-Cockatoos checkout our campsite at Forrest
19-Drifter airs down his tyres on Cowley Trk
20-King Parrots add colour to the Otways
21-Convoy takes a lunch break on Pipeline Trk
22-Compass Rose heads for a water crossing
23-Drifter loves the Otways mud!
24-Platypus inhabit the lovely Lake Elizabeth
25-Spectacular views of the Gellibrand River at...
26-Turtle & Big Red check out Cowleys Trk
27-Convoy at Stevensons Falls car park
28-Otway views from the top of Birds Trk
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| Last update:
5/05/08 13:59
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