01-Crossing Wirrengen Plains in Wyperfeld NP
02-Convoy heads to O'Sullivan's Lookout in Wyperfeld NP
03-Morning Tea on Wirrengren Plains
04-Convoy stops at O'Sullivan's Lookout
05-Mutton struggles in the soft sand
06-Snapper gives Mutton a snatch
07-Mutton gets recovered at Leg of Mutton Lake
08-Convoy heads north thru the sandy Wyperfeld
09-Demon climbs a Wyperfeld sand dune
10-Bundy spins wheels in Wyperfeld
11-Snapper cruises up the dunes
12-Bundy enjoys the sand driving
13-Everyone enjoys the walk up Milmed Rock
14-Milmed Rock car park is a little full
15-Triton gives Mutton a helping hand
16-Bundy spins some more wheels
17-Mutton finally makes it up a bumpy dune
18-Some of the convoy watch Snapper enjoy the sand
19-Demon heads for the Ross Springs dune
20-Demon flies up Ross Springs dune
21-Dulcie enjoys the climb up Ross Springs dune
22-Snapper finds the big dune much fun
23-Zebra winds up the diesel to climb the dune
24-The Snapper crew watch the fun on the dunes
25-Zebra makes easy work climbing the dune
26-Convoy takes a break from the sand driving
27-Demon finds a new friend in the Big Desert
28-Laurie, Robert & David check out the Disputed Country
29-Hurray! the Border Track is open!
30-Laurie takes in the views from Hensley Trig lookout on the Border Track
31-Convoy waits for another convoy to clear the Borde Track dune
32-Heading home from the Border Track
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