Davies High Plain



January 2009

Fun on Shady Creek Track

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The Victorian High country is always a great place to spend the public holiday Australia day weekend in January. It always seems the right thing to do; travelling through our great wide land on Australia Day.

This year was no different, as we headed back to see the sensational countryside up on Davies Plain.

Our trip started up on the Vic/NSW border at Corryong, some 450km NE of Melbourne & 5 hours in travelling time.     

Early Saturday morning, we hit the tracks by taking a 50 minute drive south on the Corryong Benambra Rd. With tyres deflated, & 4WD engaged, we commenced our weekend fun on the Wild Boar Tk. A 2 1/2 hour drive brought us out at the Wheelers Creek hut for lunch. This is a lovely quiet spot set up at 800M with the creek running past.

After lunch we experienced some great 4WDing, with many interesting ups & downs on Shady Creek Tk.

Rhino found one hill too much for his Troopy, and needed a winch to rescue him. 2 hours later we were on our way to Mt Pinnibar Hut up at 1,100M for our lovely summer evening camp.

Sunday morning took us up to the summit of Mt Pinnibar at 1,772M with 360 degree views of our great High country including views of Australia's highest mountain, Mt Kosciuszko 25kms NE of us up at 2228M. The descent from Mt Pinnibar was just as magical as we descended to the famous Tom Groggin station on the Vic/NSW border.

The afternoon was just as good, as we ascended Davies Plain, visiting the well maintained hut, before camping down on Buckwong Creek at 1,100M that night.

Our final day took us back close to the state border as we enjoyed the ups & downs of the Limestone Creek Tk. All too soon we were in Omeo airing up & heading home after another great weekend away.