Mighty Macalister


With the weather bureau predicting a warm sunny weekend, the Mighty Macalister sounded like a great spot to take a dip after some serious 4WDing.

Our first adventure was to crawl down the rocky Burgoyne Track from the west. Many crunches were heard on side-steps as we took in the magical view of the Macalister River below. Camp was set up early so we could get a good river frontage campsite.

Back on the Burgoyne Trk, we climb up from the river heading towards the infamous 'Hoppy Hill'. This is where Duncan & Rhonda Hopkins (aka Hoppy) came to grief on a previous trip with their Prado's rear air bag suspension. However, on this run, we were heading down it, so one by one we crawled down with no major issues.

After some sightseeing from McMillans lookout, we headed back up Hoppy Hill. One by one, we made the rocky ascent with dust flying and wheels spinning. Rhino was seen to have all 4 wheels airborne on his Troopy. Luckily Hoopy was filming the action, so let us know if you would like a copy.

With the sun beating down, most of the convoy decided to take a well earned dip in the cool waters of the Macalister.


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