Aberfeldy Adventure |
8 vehicles from the Toyota Landcruiser Club (TLC) left Melbourne for Erica (about 150kms east of Melbourne). Saturday we headed forCoopers Creek. After crossing the Thomson river, we checked out the old Cooper Creek mine. After crossing a dilapidated old bridge, we tokk in great views of the Thomson River. The afternoon highlight was the steep decline down Flats track to the popular O'Tooles Flat camp ground on the Donnelly Creek. On Sunday, we headed from 500 meters to the fire tower at Mt Useful up at 1,430 metres. After climbing the fire tower to gain great views, we headed west to check out the old gold Toombon gold mine. We finished off with a great climb on Steep Track before descending through the exciting 12 switchbacks on the famous Trig Track. After one more crossing the Aberfeldy River, we headed home across the Thomson Dam wall.