Reaching the heights of Mt Tingaringy

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01-Trip Leader Heidi clears the Laurie Track

02-Hoppy wets his feet crossing the Deddick River

03-Sunshine on Mt Tingaringy

04-John, Laurway & Andrew check out the Victorian-NSW border at Tingaringy

05-Trip Leader Laurie watches Andrew & Laurway climbing Tingaringy Trig point

06-Arriving at camp up at 1,500M on Tingaringy

07-Views from the Laurie Track on Tingaringy

08-Big John takes a dip in the Snowy River

09-Mike & Norma (Roadrunner) take a break at Jacksons Crossing

10-Jumbo creates waves in the Snowy

11-Views of Snowy River from Mt Joan

12-Big John crosses the Snowy River

13-Smurf drives on water at Jacksons Crossing

14-Rhonda (Hoppy) films Rhino crossing the Snowy River at Jacksons Crossing

15-Mary, Laurway, John, Andrew & Ryan enjoy the lunchtime views

16-Roadrunner watches Big John ambling across the Deddick River

17-Convoy checks out the Troopy's (Rhino) fuel problem on the Laurie Track

18-Zebra & Rhino climb the Laurie Track

19-Zebra & Rhino enjoy the shade of the trees

20-Big John descends the Tingaringy Track

21-Roadrunner crosses the Snowy after Big John

22-Zebra,Hoppy & Rhino in convoy across the Snowy

23-Jumbo churns the water in the Snowy

24-Rhino absorbs the Mountain Ash

25-Duncan (Hoppy) enjoys a hot shower on Mt Tingaringy

26-Mike & Laurie watch John & Andrew make a Sat phone call after spotting the fire

27-Convoy takes in the views from Mt Tingaringy

28-Sunset over Mt Tingaringy